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Potable Water for When There Is Not a Drop to Spare

Did you know the longest a human can survive without water is only 3 days? And this length of time shortens under harsh conditions – and no, we aren’t just talking about getting stranded in the Sahara.

Here are some reasons why investing in a potable water tank is a good idea. Who knows, it might even save your life.

You Need It to Survive

More than half of your body is made of water – 65%, to be exact. Not only are you made of water, but your body uses this essential substance to complete all of its vital functions. Water is what transports oxygen to your cells, it eliminates toxic waste from inside you, and it lubricates your joints so you can move.

As you can imagine, any situation that places a higher demand on you physically will increase your need for water. Even an increase in the amount of stress you feel has a significant impact on your need for water. Adrenaline rushing through your veins, an elevated heart rate, and an increase in perspiration will increase how much you need to drink.

Take a moment to think about how you would feel in the event of an emergency. Outside of possibly needing to physically exert yourself more than you normally do, you will probably also feel an increase in stress. Now imagine yourself in this scenario when suddenly you realize, “Oh no, I’m running out of water to drink, too!”

One of the biggest issues during major emergencies is the lack of readily available, clean drinking water.

During an emergency, not only do you need water and need it fast, but it is also a resource that is easily compromised. All natural disasters affect our ability to obtain clean water. This is why water storage is a vital part of being prepared. If you take only one step towards emergency preparedness – have plenty of water on-hand.

Here are two examples of emergency situations when you and your family will be thankful for your potable water supply.

You Need It – Even When It’s Everywhere

It is seemingly difficult to imagine the need for water during or after a flood. However, this is one of the most important times to have water storage. Flood waters pose the major threat of contaminating your home’s clean drinking water.

Reports of water-borne illnesses are not uncommon in cities recently hit by moderate to severe floods. Although the media may only choose to highlight the physical damage, contaminated flood waters mixing with municipal storage systems and ground water is a health hazard.

The extent of potential damage will depend on the severity of flooding, as well as the sanitary conditions of the location affected. Flood waters wash through and carry with them toxic chemicals, animal feces, septic waste, and garbage, all of which can lead to a number of illnesses.

Here are some of the common illnesses reported after drinking contaminated water:

  • Cryptosporidiosis

  • Enteroviruses

  • E. Coli

  • Giardiasis

  • MRSA Infection

  • Cholera

  • Typhoid

  • Leptospirosis

Any emergency preparedness kit would tell you to keep a few days of clean drinking water on hand for every person in your family. However, that amount won’t suffice if your municipal drinking water is compromised.

Not only that, but floods can lead to water main breaks and property damage, making it impossible for you to use indoor plumbing. This can take weeks or months to repair. To make matters worse, a flood severe enough to cause this type of damage runs an even higher risk of causing water contamination.

Although some regions are more prone to floods and hurricanes, there is no way to predict where or when a flood can strike. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry.

You Need It – When There’s None to Spare

Now you know why you need water when the weather brings you too much. It’s time to talk about when the weather brings you too little.

Water is a vital and essential need for us to maintain life. You already know how it helps your body continue living, but think about what else it provides. Without water, plants and animals wouldn’t grow. What would humans eat if water was unable to nourish the earth?

Farmers are all too familiar with this question, and many are experiencing the frightening realities a drought can bring.

It’s impossible to predict the weather patterns months and years in advance. For centuries water storage has been the most efficient way to compensate for dry years. To this day, it’s the only way to prepare for a drought.

Severe and long-lasting droughts are a current reality in regions all across North America. Nearly every state in the United States is facing the risk of serious drought this year. With a global economy now supplying a global demand, drought has the ability to affect everyone – no matter how rainy their city is.

Climate change is real, but you are only one person – what can you possibly do? Take strides to fight climate change yourself and live an eco-friendly lifestyle. But also take care of yourself and those you love. Prepare for the risk of a drought and invest in a potable water storage tank.

Get prepared and then you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a refreshing glass of water.


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