Cistern and Tank Services
When you need a whole lot of water all at once, come to the professionals at Alberta Water Services. We provide water fills and cleaning services for cisterns and holding tanks, as well as cistern services, well flooding and jump starts.
Cistern Cleaning Services
At Alberta Water Services, the health and safety of our commercial and residential customers is of utmost importance! For that reason, we are pleased to provide our customers with cistern/tank cleaning services. Alberta Water Services provides only the highest quality water into your home or business, exceeding the mandatory health regulations of sampling and cleanliness for all our trucks and equipment.
At Least Once Per Year
When was the last time you cleaned your cistern or holding tanks? Did you know Health Canada recommends “Cisterns should be cleaned at least once per year and more frequently if the water is being used for family/employee consumption, or a new baby is expected”? As there are many factors in determining cistern/holding tank cleaning costs, a visual inspection must be completed in order to accurately quote cleaning prices. All quotes are free of charge.
Cistern Cleaning
Continuing our commitment to the health and safety of our commercial and residential customers, we are pleased to provide the Calgary area with expert cistern services. Owners of private cisterns (as we have recently discovered) are unaware of the health risks of not utilizing proper water sampling and cleaning/sanitization procedures on a regular basis.
Ten Point Visual Inspection
Cistern cleaning is a very in-depth process and Health Canada recommends that it only be completed by a company such as ours (with specific knowledge and training about proper procedures), a licensed water well contractor, or licensed plumber. If the process is performed incorrectly, it can cause large amounts of damage to the system and equipment and may not properly remove bacteria or other contaminants from the system. Our cistern cleaning service includes a 10-point visual inspection of holding tank(s) and the surrounding area.
Well Flooding and Jump Starts
Has your well stopped producing water, or is it producing considerably less water than normal? We can help! Alberta Water Services is a member of the Alberta Water Well Drilling Association and is experienced in providing this service.
Well Rejuvenation
Common practice to increase water production in wells that have stopped producing or are producing a considerably smaller amount of water than “normal” is to have the well filled with potable water from an outside source. By filling the well from an outside source, many problems such as chemical and mineral deposits, pump levels and sediment blockages or clogging of pumps and equipment are alleviated as the water and water pressure often free blockages etc.
The First Step in Well Repair
This service is not guaranteed to work in starting a well back-up, however it is the cheapest and least labour-intensive way to determine and possibly alleviate well production problems and is recommended as a first step in well repair. For more information or to schedule a free estimate, please contact our office .